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7 Easy Tips on How to Drink More Water

staying hydrated - glass of water

Water is one of the most important nutritional intakes our body needs. The human body can last weeks without food, but only days without water. Yet water is the most common nutritional deficiency. Staying hydrated is so important! Water maintains the health and integrity of our cells, lubricates joints, helps to eliminate metabolic waste, aids […]

6 Healthy Eating Tips

Winter is upon us, which means cold and flu season is here too! The best way to fight off disease is to have a healthy and stable foundation. My tips for good health through the winter season and beyond are: Eat whole foods Whole foods are unprocessed and unrefined. They do not need an ingredient […]

Tips For a Pain Free Winter

only cold if you're standing still image

Winter is well and truly here. With frost covered mornings and the sun struggling to break through the low clouds, the thermostat is certainly hovering around the single digits. And with the cold weather comes aches and pains. Doctors aren’t sure why, but cold weather tends to aggravate chronic pain conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, or […]

Why do I need to drink water after a massage?

staying hydrated after a massage

Having a massage has a similar effect on our body akin to light to moderate exercise. And just like after exercise, you can become dehydrated after a massage. Dehydration can cause you to feel light headed, dizzy, nauseated, and even cause a headache. Drinking water will re-hydrate you and help reduce these symptoms. Not everyone […]